
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update & Review

Exam Questions: 120
Course Level: Basic
Pages: 768 | Content: 746, Supplemental: 22
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting and Auditing
Not Acceptable for: Enrolled Agents
Version: 5410X

The purpose of this course is to inform the reader of the various changes affecting accounting, compilation and review, and auditing engagements, as well as a review and recall of existing standards. Topics include a summary of newly issued FASB statements, new statements issued by the Auditing Standards Board, changes in compilation and review engagements, current and pending developments, practice issues, and more. ***PLEASE NOTE: This course qualifies for 16 Accounting hours and 8 Auditing hours. Not acceptable for Enrolled Agents. All course material provided. Prerequisites: Basic understanding of U.S. GAAP, compilation and review, and auditing standards. Course level: Basic.

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Table of Contents
  • Implementing the New Lease Standard ASU 2016-02 and Other Amendments - 2023
  • Accounting and Financial Reporting in a Post-COVID Economy: Inflation, Supply Chains, Interest Rates and Recession - 2023
  • Accounting and Financial Disclosures for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and the Pass-Through Entity (PTE) Tax - 2023
  • PPP Loans and Forgiveness- Accounting and Financial Reporting Issues - 2023
  • Current Developments - Accounting and Financial Reporting - 2023
  • Financial Instruments - Credit Losses - 2023: ASU 2016-13
  • New Auditing Standards: SAS Nos. 142-148
  • Auditing Development - 2023
  • Compilation and Review Update - 2023
  • To recognize a key change made to GAAP by the new lease standard
  • To identify a type of lease that exists for a lessee under ASU 2016-02
  • To recall a type of lease for which the ASU 2016-02 rules do not apply
  • To identify some of the types of benefits a lessee can obtain from a leased asset
  • To identify a threshold for a lease term to be considered a major part of an asset's remaining economic life
  • To recognize who an entity might not want to use the risk-free rate to compute the present value of lease payments
  • To identify how a lessee should account for initial direct costs
  • To recognize items that are and are not components of a lease term
  • To recall the method a lessee should use to record interest expense on a lease obligation
  • To identify some types of leases for a lessor
  • To recall how a lessor should initially account for initial direct costs for a lease in certain instances
  • To identify how a lessor should account for lease payments received on the income statement for an operating lease
  • To recall how a lessor should classify certain cash receipts on the statement of cash flows
  • To recognize how certain existing leases are accounted for on the implementation date of ASU 2016-02
  • To identify how deferred income taxes will be treated for lessees under ASU 2016-02
  • To recall the potential impact that the new lease standard might have on a lessee's EBITDA and debt-equity ratios
  • To recall the IRS rules for when an entity should and should not capitalize a lease for tax purposes
  • To recognize some types of concentrations that might require disclosure under the risk and uncertainty rules
  • To identify the definition of near term
  • To recall the frequency in which an entity should test goodwill for impairment
  • To recognize some exit and disposal costs
  • To recall how to classify business interruption insurance proceeds on the financial statements
  • To recognize the relationship a change in interest rates has on real estate values
  • To identify methods that can be used to measure variable consideration revenue
  • To recognize an example of a construction-type contract
  • To identify whether the LIFO IPIC approach is acceptable for GAAP
  • To recall the net operating loss rules
  • To recognize the type of expense that is the basis for measuring the amount of the ERC
  • To identify where to present the ERC in the statement of income using the ASC 958 conditional contribution model
  • To recognize where to present the ERC in the statement of income using the IAS 20 grant model
  • To identify an action step to be taken to correct the previous presentation and disclosure of an ERC in the statement of income
  • To recognize the proper presentation of the ERC in a tax-basis statement of income
  • To recognize a technique that has been attempted to circumvent the SALT deduction limitation
  • To identify how to account for the PTE tax in an entity's financial statements
  • To recognize the requirements for recording deferred state income taxes with respect to the PTE tax election
  • To identify disclosures that should be made for the PTE tax
  • To identify some of the eligible expenses related to use of PPP loan proceeds
  • To recognize approaches to account for PPP loans under GAAP
  • To recall how to present debt issuance costs on the financial statements
  • To recognize how to account for PPP loan forgiveness
  • To recognize how to present a gain on extinguishment on the statement of cash flows
  • To identify how to treat the forgiveness of a PPP loan for tax purposes
  • To recognize how the IAS 20 grant approach is used to account for its PPP loan
  • To recognize actions that impact a CPA's independence in a PPP loan assistance engagement
  • To identify whether an emphasis-of-matter paragraph may be used in an accountant's report when there is a forgiveness of a PPP loan
  • To identify the goal of the FASB's Disaggregation - Income Statement Expenses project
  • To recognize one of the characteristics of a multi-employer pension plan
  • To recognize the impact that life expectancy has on the amount of a pension liability
  • To identify a concentration of risk that might require disclosure
  • To identify a particular way in which most marijuana businesses must operate
  • To recognize when a state might be able to charge sales tax under the Wayfair decision
  • To recognize the accounting alternative for leases under common control in ASU 2018-17
  • To recognize the model that ASU 2016-13 uses to deal with credit losses
  • To identify how credit losses should be recorded under the new ASU 2016
  • -13
  • To identify some of the disclosures required by ASU 2016-13
  • To identify an example of an attribute of information obtained as audit evidence
  • To recognize actions an auditor should perform in evaluating information used as audit evidence
  • To identify an attribute that affects the reliability of information used as audit evidence
  • To recall functions on which an auditor can use automated tools and techniques
  • To identify an example of an accounting estimate related to classes of transactions, account balances, and disclosures identified in SAS No. 143
  • To recognize how inherent and control risks should be assessed in accordance with SAS No. 143
  • To recognize an example of an inherent risk factor
  • To identify examples of the approaches that can be performed in assessing the risks of material misstatement from accounting estimates
  • To recall one of the amendments made to AU-C 501 by SAS No. 145 in connection with using the work of an external inventory-taking firm
  • To identify some instances in which an auditor may conclude that a specialist's work is not adequate
  • To recognize how to perform risk assessment procedures when relying on information obtained from previous experience with an entity
  • To identify examples of risk assessment procedures to obtain audit evidence in accordance with SAS No. 145
  • To recognize a new requirement made by SAS No. 145 in connection with assessing inherent risk and control risk in an audit
  • To identify how an auditor should respond if the auditor does not plan to test the operating effectiveness of an entity's controls
  • To recall the date by which an engagement partner must take responsibility for determining that ethical requirements are fulfilled
  • To identify certain requirements an engagement partner must satisfy in performing an audit engagement
  • To recognize examples of resources assigned or made available by a firm to support performance of an audit engagement
  • To recall a possible action that an engagement team may take to mitigate impediments to exercise professional skepticism
  • To identify when a successor auditor should request management to authorize a predecessor auditor's response to the successor auditor's inquiry
  • To recognize one of the new inquiries a successor auditor should make of a predecessor auditor by SAS No. 147
  • To recall the extent of a predecessor auditor's response to a successor auditor's inquiries when there are certain restrictions on the predecessor auditor
  • To identify an example of a recently issued auditing standard that SAS No. 148 incorporates into amendments to AU-C 935, Compliance Audits
  • To recall examples of inherent risk factors related to identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement in a compliance audit
  • To identify a scenario in which it would be impracticable for an auditor to attend a physical inventory
  • To recognize an advantage of remote auditing
  • To recognize a factor to consider in evaluating going concern of an entity
  • To identify a term used as a benchmark in considering going concern
  • To identify a suggestion for an auditor reducing time and increasing audit efficiency
  • To recognize when negative accounts receivable confirmations should not be used
  • To recognize a behavioral trait of most occupational fraudsters
  • To identify which party is responsible for determining that engagement team members have appropriate competence and capabilities to perform a SSARS engagement

PLEASE NOTE: CPE credit measurement is based on NASBA Registry and QAS guidelines of one credit for every 50 minutes. Credit calculation may vary in different states — check with your State Board of Accountancy. Unless otherwise noted in the specific course description, no advanced preparation is required in order to register or complete any PES CPE course. Use of materials or services provided by Professional Education Services, LP ("PES") are governed by the Terms and Conditions stated on PES' website www.mypescpe.com. PES provides these courses with the understanding that it is not providing any accounting, legal, or other professional advice and assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with its use. PES has used diligent efforts to provide quality information and material to its customers, but does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or currency of the information contained herein. Ultimately, the responsibility to comply with applicable legal requirements falls solely upon the individual licensee, not PES. PES encourages you to contact your state Board for the latest information and to confirm or clarify any questions or concerns you have regarding your duties or obligations as a licensed professional.